November 2019 School Board Meeting Minutes

Link to Video of November 14, 2019 Board of Education Meeting:


The regular meeting of the Board of Education of School District 165 was held in the Carbondale Community High School Cafeteria, 1301 East Walnut Street, Carbondale, Illinois, on Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.

Upon roll call, the following members were present:

Linda Flowers             Julie VanWinkle
Joe Hudgins                Brian Woodard
Francis Tsung                        

The following members were absent:

Lana Galan                 Christopher Swims

Also present were: 

Stephen Murphy         Andrew Gwinup
Donna Fager               Rasheeda Love
Ryan Thomas              Jenna Jamieson
Dallas Terry                Dawn Taylor       

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Tsung, seconded by VanWinkle, to approve the minutes of the regular scheduled meeting of October 17, 2019.  Roll call: Flowers, Hudgins, Tsung, VanWinkle and Woodard voted yes.  Nay, none.  Motion carried. 

Old Business: None 

Public Comments: None 

Feeder Schools Recognized for Receiving Commendable Status on 2019 School Report Card: Member Hudgins recognized the Carbondale Elementary School District for their Commendable status on the 2019 School Report Card.  Mr. Murphy recognized DeSoto and Unity Point school districts for their Commendable status on the 2019 School Report Card, and Giant City for its Exemplary status. 

FOIA Requests: The Board received a listing of the 2019-20 FOIA Requests received to date. 

CTE Department Presentation: Career and Technical Education Department Chair, Dallas Terry, did a presentation for the Board regarding the activities of his department.  Students from the Educators Rising Club told the Board about their recent classroom experiences and the meaningful interactions they had with the students. They said now they want to be teachers in the future.  FBLA students told the Board about their recent activities. They said the Fall Carnival was a success and would be continued in the future.  The students thanked the Board for their support. 

Payment of Bills: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Hudgins, to pay the remaining bills for the month of October 2019; and, those available for payment for the month of November 2019. Roll call:  Hudgins, Tsung, VanWinkle, Woodard and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. 

Principal’s Report: Mr. Thomas reported on the following:
∙Crisis Drills – Code Yellow and Code Red Lockdown
∙Young Men’s Club and Young Women’s Club
∙CCHS Fine Arts Success

Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Murphy reported on the following:
∙Daniel Booth was named to the School Construction Task Force.
∙School Maintenance Grants may be announced in the future.
∙Jackson County Sheriff’s School Security Grant. 

Facility Improvements Com. Update: Mr. Murphy advised that he and the district architect had met with the Career and Technical Education Department and the Science Department regarding their facility needs. 

2019 School Report Card:  Mr. Murphy reviewed the 2019 School Report Card for the Board.  He said CCHS received a Commendable status on report card. 

2019 ISBE Exclusionary Discipline Notification: Mr. Murphy reviewed the 2019 ISBE Exclusionary Discipline Notification for the Board. 

2019-20 District Fall Enrollment Recap and Class-Size Report: Mr. Murphy reviewed the 2019-20 District Fall Enrollment Recap and Class-Size Report for the Board. 

2020-21 Curriculum Proposals:  Motion by Tsung, seconded by Flowers, to approve the 2020-21 curriculum proposals as presented: Sociology, Transitional Math and English 4/Graphic Novels.  Roll call: Hudgins, Tsung, VanWinkle, Woodard and Flowers voted yes.  Nay, none.  Motion carried. 

Bids and Quotes: None 

2019 Tax Levy Resolution: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Hudgins, to approve the Resolution Regarding The Estimated Amounts Necessary To Be Levied For The Year 2019. Roll call:  Tsung, VanWinkle, Woodard, Flowers and Hudgins voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. Final adoption of the 2019 Tax Levy will occur at the December 19, 2019 Board of Education meeting. 

Closing of School Offices During Winter Break 2019: Motion by VanWinkle, seconded by Hudgins, to approve the closure of all district offices during Winter Break 2019 as presented. Roll call: VanWinkle, Woodard, Flowers, Hudgins and Tsung voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. 

Revised 2019-20 Board of Education Meeting Calendar: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Hudgins, to revise the 2019-20 Board of Education Meeting Calendar by changing the start time for the regular Board of Education Meetings from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  Roll call:  Woodard, Flowers, Hudgins, Tsung and VanWinkle voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. 

Property Tax Relief Grant Application FY2020: Motion by Hudgins, seconded by Tsung, to approve the Property Tax Relief Grant Application FY2020 as presented. Roll call: Flowers, Hudgins, Tsung, VanWinkle and Woodard voted yes. Nay, none.  Motion carried. 

Executive Session: None 

Resignations/Retirements: None 

Employment of 2019-20 Personnel: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Hudgins, to employ the following 2019-20 personnel as presented:

a. Extra-Duty/Extended-Time Personnel
Terrier Times Newspaper Advisor: Sarah Dubach $849.50
Assistant Boys Basketball Coach: Joe Hamilton $1,888.66; Unree Westley $1,888.66; Blake Woodard $1,888.66
Driver’s Ed. Class Overload—Spring Semester:  Kim Wheeler 

Roll call: Hudgins, Tsung, VanWinkle and Flowers voted yes. President Woodard abstained.  Nay, none. Motion carried. 

2019-20 Volunteers: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Hudgins, to approve the following 2019-20 volunteers as presented:

Jesse Crow:  Volunteer Boys Basketball Coach
Nicholas Bleyer: Volunteer Wrestling Coach  

Roll call: Hudgins, Tsung, VanWinkle, Woodard and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none.  Motion carried. 

IASB Annual Conference: The IASB Annual Conference will be November 21-24, 2019. 

Thanksgiving Break: Thanksgiving Break will be November 25-29, 2019.

December Board Meeting: The December Board of Education meeting will be Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. 

2019-20 Winter Sports Schedule: The Board received the 2019-20 Winter Sports Schedule in their packet. 

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. 

MINUTES APPROVED: December 19, 2019