Link to Video of October 20, 2016 Board of Education:
The regular meeting of the Board of Education of School District 165 was held in the Carbondale Community High School Cafeteria, 1301 East Walnut Street, Carbondale, Illinois, on Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 7:05 p.m.
Upon roll call, the following members were present:
Kathy Booziotis Francis Tsung
Linda Flowers Julie VanWinkle
Joe Hudgins Brian Woodard
The following member was absent: Brad Cole
Also present were:
Stephen Murphy Lena Dierks
Donna Fager Paul Lunsford
Daniel Booth CCHSEA Represented
Erinn Murphy Carbondale Times Represented
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Booziotis, to approve the minutes of the regular scheduled meeting of September 22, 2016. Roll call: Booziotis, Flowers, Hudgins, Tsung, VanWinkle and Woodard voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Old Business: There were no old business items.
Counseling Department Presentation: Erinn Murphy, Counseling Department Chair, did a presentation for the Board regarding the activities of the counseling department.
Science Department Presentation: Lena Dierks, Science Department Chair, did a presentation for the Board regarding the activities of the science department.
Public Comments: Carlton Smith thanked the Board of Education for the flower arrangement he received from the district while he had been hospitalized. He also expressed concerns he had regarding additional vocational training for CCHS students and the recruitment of African American teachers at CCHS. President Woodard thanked Mr. Smith for his comments.
Payment of Bills: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Hudgins, to pay the remaining bills for the month of September, 2016; and, those available for payment for the month of October, 2016. Roll call: Flowers, Hudgins, Tsung, VanWinkle, Woodard and Booziotis voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Parent Advisory Committee Dress Code Meeting Update: Mr. Booth updated the Board on the Parent Advisory Committee Meeting regarding the dress code. The Board will be updated again on the committee’s dress code suggestions at the March Board of Education meeting.
2016-17 District Goals: Motion by Booziotis, seconded by Hudgins, to approve the 2016-17 District Goals as presented:
1. We will continue to maintain the positive financial position of the district.
2. We will actively work to enhance the diversity of our workforce, including the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority staff.
3. We will continue to promote positive Public Relations efforts in the district.
4. We will continue to enhance our curriculum to meet the needs of the whole child and prepare students for college and careers in the 21st century.
--We will transition our assessment system and student support programs to prepare students for the new SAT college admissions exam.
--95% of students enrolled in AP courses (without dual credit option) will take the AP exam.
Roll call: Hudgins, Tsung, VanWinkle, Woodard, Booziotis and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Member Flowers requested feedback on the efforts being made in meeting goal two. Mr. Murphy said that he and Mr. Booth would keep the Board informed of their efforts in meeting goal two.
Awarding of Bids for Partial Roof Replacement at the CCHS Campus: Motion by Hudgins, seconded by Tsung, to acknowledge receipt of the bids received for a partial roof replacement at the CCHS Campus; and, to award the bids to the lowest responsible bidders as presented:
a. Roof Replacement Contract is awarded to Geissler Roofing Company, Inc. of Belleville, Illinois, for the Base Bid Roof Area #1 in the amount of $109,700.00. In addition, Geissler Roofing Company, Inc. is awarded Alternate Bid #2 to achieve a 30-Year Roof Warranty in lieu of a 20-Year Warranty on Roof Area #1 in the additional amount of $9,500.00 for a total combined Roof Area #1 Replacement Bid of $119,200.00.
b. Roof Top Unit #1 Replacement Contract is awarded to J&R Mechanical of Nashville, Illinois, for the replacement of Roof Top Unit #1 in the amount of $116,180.00. In addition, the bid includes a unit price of $7.00/square foot to replace damaged/deteriorated duct insulation if required.
Roll call: Tsung, VanWinkle, Woodard, Booziotis, Flowers and Hudgins voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Executive Session: There was no executive session.
Resignations/Retirements: There were no resignations/retirements.
Employment Transfer: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Hudgins, to approve the employment transfer of GeNae Welch from the Secretary to the Chief School Business Official/District Cashier position to the Faculty Secretary position effective October 24, 2016, at her current rate of pay. Roll call: VanWinkle, Woodard, Booziotis, Flowers, Hudgins and Tsung voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Employment of 2016-17 Extra-Duty Personnel: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Booziotis, to employ the following 2016-17 extra-duty personnel as presented:
Asst. Boys Basketball Coach: De’Marius Dabney
Asst. Boys Basketball Coach: Ryan Thomas
Asst. Boys Basketball Coach: Joe Hamilton ($2,618.00), Chad Perschbacher ($2,618.00)
Asst. Girls Basketball Coach: Kristin Germann ($5,236.00)
Asst. Wrestling Coach: Jared Ragan
Asst. Wrestling Coach: Jerry Richards
Roll call: Woodard, Booziotis, Flowers, Hudgins, Tsung and VanWinkle voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Approval of 2016-17 Volunteers: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Hudgins, to approve the following 2016-17 volunteers as presented:
Isaac Harris: Boys Basketball Volunteer Coach
Tajai Taylor: Band Volunteer
Roll call: Booziotis, Flowers, Hudgins, Tsung, VanWinkle and Woodard voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
November Board Meeting: The November Board of Education meeting will be Wednesday, November 16, 2016.
2016 IASB Report to Membership: The Board received the 2016 IASB Report to Membership in their Board packet.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m.