Board Minutes - July 19, 2016
Link to Video of July 19, 2016 Board of Education Meeting:
The regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of School District 165 was held in the cafeteria of Carbondale Community High School, 1301 East Walnut Street, Carbondale, Illinois, on Tuesday, July 19, 2016, at 7:00 p.m.
Upon roll call, the following members were present:
Kathy Booziotis Joe Hudgins
Brad Cole Brian Woodard
Linda Flowers
The following member was absent: Francis Tsung
Also present were:
Stephen Murphy Tim Estes
Donna Fager CCHSEA Represented
President Woodard declared a quorum present and the regular scheduled meeting of July 19, 2016, was called to order.
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Booziotis, seconded by Flowers, to approve the minutes of the regular scheduled meeting of June 16, 2016, and the minutes of the June 16, 2016, executive session. Roll call: Booziotis, Cole, Flowers and Woodard voted yes. Member Hudgins voted present. Motion carried.
Old Business: There were no old business items.
2017 Graduation Ceremony: Superintendent Murphy advised the Board the 2017 Graduation Ceremony is scheduled at the SIU Arena on Saturday May 20, 2017, at 3:00 p.m. He noted that the time was subject to change depending on IHSA scheduling.
Member Hudgins said he thought the 1:00 p.m. graduation time this year was very well received. He asked Superintendent Murphy what feedback he had received on the change in time. Superintendent Murphy said the feedback was very positive. Member Cole said if the feedback was positive this year then why was the graduation time being changed to 3:00 p.m. for 2017. Superintendent Murphy advised that it was due in part to possible IHSA scheduling conflicts and in part at the suggestion of the Parent Advisory Committee.
Public Comments--Susan Pimentel: CCHS parent, Susan Pimentel, addressed the Board of Education regarding the school dress code. Ms. Pimentel distributed written copies of her address to the Board (Attachment #1). Ms. Pimentel said she was addressing the Board on behalf of her daughter and herself, as well as the other parents who were very unhappy with the dress code. She said that she understood that the Parent Advisory Committee had reviewed the CCHS Student Handbook and did not make any recommendations for changes in the dress code for the 2016-17 school year. She said several concerns in particular were:
● Students’ distraction is more important that students’ education (and in most cases it is the girls’ education that is interrupted.)
●Double Standards
●Inconsistency between staff
●Lack of clothing available in local stores to meet the CCHS dress code
Ms. Pimentel requested the Board to take some of the concerns under advisement; have the administration train staff to be more consistent in the enforcement of the dress code; and, to review the dress code and remove the double standards and unreasonable standards. She suggested a committee that was made up of all types of individuals. She said to choose parents from rich, poor and middle income; parents of popular and active students; and parents of the least active students. She said to include students of all types. Students who were rich, poor and middle class income, skinny, average size and overweight; tall and short; athletes, band and non-active-at-all students. She said every group has a different view of what can or should be worn; what can be afforded, and where it can be purchased. In closing, Ms. Pimentel requested a comprehensive review of why we have a dress code, what the dress code should be and what are the implications and messages we are sending our students with the dress code.
President Woodard and Superintendent Murphy thanked Ms. Pimentel for her comments. Mr. Murphy stated the dress code is a tough issue and never a win-win situation. He said he understood the frustration of the parents. He said he would share their concerns with the Parent Advisory Committee. Member Booziotis asked if the committee would receive a copy of Ms. Pimentel’s presentation. Superintendent Murphy said yes the committee will receive a copy of the presentation. Member Hudgins asked how the committee members are chosen. Mr. Murphy advised he would check with Mr. Booth on their selection and get back to the Board with more information and a list of the committee members. Vice President Flowers stated she agreed that the review committee should be made up with individuals of all types of socio-economic backgrounds. Member Cole asked when the Parent Advisory Committee would be meeting to discuss this issue, and when would the Board receive a response to this presentation. Superintendent Murphy said he believed the committee was scheduled to meet in September and that he should have a response for the Board by the October Board meeting.
Payment of Bills: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Booziotis, to pay the remaining bills for the month of June, 2016; and, those available for payment for the month of July, 2016. Roll call: Cole, Flowers, Hudgins, Woodard and Booziotis voted yes. nay, none. Motion carried.
2016-17 Revisions to Parent/Teacher/Student Handbook and Student-Athlete Handbook: Motion by Booziotis, seconded by Hudgins, to approve the 2016-17 revisions to the CCHS Parent/Teacher/Student Handbook and the CCHS Student-Athlete Handbook as presented:
Parent/Teacher/Student Handbook Revisions:
Routine/Minor Changes:
1. Update school information and demographics
2. Calendar changes, phone numbers, etc.
3. Edited faculty list and all other areas as needed
4. Updated tuition to $12,000
5. Removed all 2016 GPA and honor roll language
6. Update dual credit offerings
7. Update placement exam information for JALC and replace it with Accuplacer exam.
8. Update all testing requirements
9. Updated regular school lunch fees
10. Cleaned up wording throughout the handbook
Major Changes:
1. Correction: (Pg. 20)
New Language: The maximum GPA that can be achieved is 4.44
Old Language: The maximum GPA that can be achieved is 4.400.
2. Addition of Civics to graduation requirements. (Pg. 21)
3. Make-Up Policies: (Pg. 22) Addition of language allowing students to make up work for equivalent credit after a suspension. (SB100 Compliance)
New Language: External Suspension: Students will be given the opportunity to complete missed work for equivalent credit after an external suspension. It shall be the responsibility of the student, through his/her personal initiative, to contact the teachers involved and determine make-up assignments, daily work, quizzes and tests. The teacher will determine the deadline for completion of these assignments. Students are expected to make up work within a reasonable time set by each teacher. For example: If a student is suspended one day, the work should be made up in two days; suspended two days, the work should be made up in four days, etc.
Old Language: External Suspension: Limited makeup privileges may be available at the discretion of administration.
4. New Language: (Pg. 23) Addition of language for program previously approved by BOE:
Seal of Biliteracy Program
Carbondale Community High School students have the opportunity to be recognized by the State of Illinois for earning proficiency in English and one additional language. The Illinois State Board of Education's Seal of Biliteracy program will place an official seal on diplomas and confer official recognition on transcripts of those who qualify.
The Seal of Biliteracy is awarded to those whose proficiency level is equivalent to the Intermediate High scale set by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL).
To qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy, seniors must meet the requirements of the program:
●Earn a minimum score of "meets expectations" on the reading component of the current assessment used for English, OR
●Earn a minimum overall score of 5.0 with minimum subtest scores in reading and writing of 4.2 on the ACCESS for ELLs exam, AND
●Have earned a 4 or 5 in the Advanced Placement (AP) language exam they took in their junior year, OR
●Earn a score of intermediate-high or higher on the ACTFL's Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) exam. The following languages can be assessed with the AAPPL exam: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
●If a student has any questions about the Seal of Biliteracy they should see their Foreign Language teacher or the Foreign Language Department Chair.
5. Fees: (Pg. 25)
School fees are $50.00 for textbook rental, identification card, locker rental, lab and material fees, including one PE uniform for freshman and new students to the district. Some courses may require an additional fee throughout the school year, but the majority of course fees are covered with the above cost.
Physical Education students are required to wear a physical education uniform which consists of a gray tee-shirt and black shorts, both imprinted with the “CCHS Physical Education” logo. The price of the entire uniform is $ 15.00 ($ 10.00 for shorts and $ 5.00 for a tee- shirt) Uniforms may be purchased in the Physical Education Department. The physical education uniform will be standard for the student’s entire high school years. Freshman and new students to the district will be given one PE uniform when they begin school, and all subsequent uniforms will have to be purchased.
6. New Language: (Pg. 31) Change allows administrative flexibility and also follows 3 day suspension cap on offences other than a threat to safety (SB100).
Verbal Abuse/Threats and Intimidation
A student who directs obscenities, insults, or name-calling to a staff member or who threatens or tries to intimidate a staff member may be suspended for a period of up to ten days. Depending on the severity of the situation, police may be called and charges may be filed.
Physical Contact or Violence
A student who intentionally makes contact (pushes, shoves, hits, throws objects, etc.) with a staff member may receive discipline up to a ten-day suspension or a review for possible expulsion by the Board of Education. Legal action may also occur.
Old Language:
Verbal Abuse/Threats and Intimidation
A student who directs obscenities, insults, or name-calling to a staff member or who threatens or tries to intimidate a staff member will be suspended for a period of up to ten days. Depending on the severity of the situation, police may be called and charges may be filed.
Physical Contact or Violence
A student who intentionally makes contact (pushes, shoves, hits, throws objects, etc.) with a staff member will, at a minimum, receive a ten day suspension and a review for possible expulsion by the Board of Education. Legal action may also occur.
7. New Language: (Pg. 34) Change allows administrative flexibility and also follows 3-day suspension cap on offences other than a threat to safety (SB100).
Classification #1
Students committing this type of violation may be subject to disciplinary action ranging from a verbal reprimand to expulsion from school.
Old Language:
Classification #1
Students committing this type of violation may be subject to immediate suspension and/or expulsion.
8. New Language: (Pg. 35) Update on current policy for requesting student passwords. State law (105 ILCS 75/15) prohibits schools from requesting or requiring students to provide passwords or other social media account information. However, students may be required to cooperate in an investigation and share content related to students' social media accounts, if specific information about activity on the account violates school rule or policy.
Old Language: Although it is not the district's practice to require or request student passwords or account information, State law (105 ILCS 75/15) requires the district to notify parents/guardians that the district may do so in certain situations when school rules or policies have been violated.
9. New Language: (Pg. 40) Addition of reengagement after suspension wording, and also wording pertaining to students being allowed to make up work for equivalent credit after a suspension. (SB100)
External Suspension
Reinstatement following suspension is accomplished by the student checking into the Assistant Principal’s Office, and referral to the appropriate counselor for a discussion on the individual student’s reengagement back into the school environment. Suspended students are not allowed on school property during their suspension. Also, they are not allowed to attend any school functions or activities.
Students will be given the opportunity to complete missed work for equivalent credit after an external suspension. It shall be the responsibility of the student, through his/her personal initiative, to contact the teachers involved and determine make-up assignments, daily work, quizzes and tests. The teacher will determine the deadline for completion of these assignments. Students are expected to make up work within a reasonable time set by each teacher. For example: If a student is suspended one day, the work should be made up in two days; suspended two days, the work should be made up in four days, etc.
Old Language:
External Suspension
Reinstatement following suspension is accomplished by the student checking into the Assistant Principal’s Office, and may require a referral to the appropriate counselor on the first day following the termination of the period of suspension. Suspended students are not allowed on school property during their suspension. Also, they are not allowed to attend any school functions or activities.
10. New Language: (Pg. 40) Removes headbands from the list and replaces it with bandanas.
Non-religious headgear is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to scarves, bandanas, hoodies, hats, do-rags and sunglasses. Any headgear is to be placed in a student’s locker when they arrive at school and remain there until the end of school
Old Language:
Non-religious headgear is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to scarves, headbands, hoodies, hats, do-rags and sunglasses. Any headgear is to be placed in a student’s locker when they arrive at school and remain there until the end of school.
11. Remove: (Pg. 42) This policy is zero tolerance and as a result of SB 100 should be removed. Administration will continue to offer these services with all suspensions of this type.
Students shall not be permitted to attend or to remain in school while under the influence of prohibited substances, alcohol, or any other mind-altering substance.
Parents of students who are being suspended for a first offense relating to drugs and/or alcohol (except for distribution) will be given the following option: The period of suspension will be reduced from ten days to five days if the student completes a substance abuse evaluation and then attends all sessions of a prescribed, approved drug/alcohol education/rehabilitation program (or some other option, as recommended by an approved professional). The cost will be assumed by the student, parent, or legal guardian. CCHS will require a release of information from the parents and treatment facility at the time of this referral. The treating agency must provide written notification to the school when the student has completed the prescribed program. If the treating agency does not supply this written documentation, the remaining five days of suspension will be reinstated.
12. New Language: (Pg. 51) Students will be allowed to pick their confiscated cellular phone up at the end of the school day after their first two violations. After the third violation, during a semester, a parent will have to pick their electronic device up in the Attendance Office. Addition of language not allowing students to take pictures or video with electronic devices.
Cellular Phones
In recognition that cellular telephones have become a common mode of communication between parents and students, the Board of Education authorizes students to possess cell phones while on school grounds.
During school days, cell phones may not be used on campus between 8:25 a.m. and dismissal time without teacher or administrator approval. During the course of the regular school day, cell phones must be stored in the off mode (or otherwise incapable of receiving an active signal). Student cell phones in use during the school day may be confiscated in accordance with school discipline procedures. Normally, confiscated cell phones will be taken to the Attendance Office. Students using cell phones or loaning them to others to use during the school day will receive disciplinary consequences. After the first offense and second offense, confiscated cell phones will be released to the student at the end of the school day; after the third and all subsequent offenses during a semester, cell phones will be released only to a parent or guardian and the student may be subject to disciplinary action. Students refusing to turn in a cell phone at the direction of staff or administration will be subject to additional disciplinary consequences ranging from detention to suspension. NOTE: Minimum consequence for refusing to give a staff member or administrator your cell phone will be in-school suspension.
Students are prohibited from taking pictures or video recordings with electronic devices during the school day. Doing so will result in an electronic device violation.
Old Language:
Cellular Phones
In recognition that cellular telephones have become a common mode of communication between parents and students, the Board of Education authorizes students to possess cell phones while on school grounds.
During school days, cell phones may not be used on campus between 8:25 a.m. and dismissal time without teacher or administrator approval. During the course of the regular school day, cell phones must be stored in the off mode (or otherwise incapable of receiving an active signal). Student cell phones in use during the school day may be confiscated in accordance with school discipline procedures. Normally, confiscated cell phones will be taken to the Attendance Office. Students using cell phones or loaning them to others to use during the school day will receive disciplinary consequences. After the first offense, confiscated cell phones will be released to the student at the end of the school day; after the second and all subsequent offenses, cell phones will be released only to a parent or guardian and the student may be subject to disciplinary action. Students refusing to turn in a cell phone at the direction of staff or administration will be subject to additional disciplinary consequences ranging from detention to suspension. NOTE: Minimum consequence for refusing to give a staff member or administrator your cell phone will be in-school suspension.
13. Addition: (Pg. 56) When video footage is used as information in a student sexual harassment investigation, the District will maintain the video until the investigation is concluded.
14. Addition: (Pg. 62) IHSA Concussion Policy Compliance
Return to Learn/Return to Play
All parent(s)/guardian(s) of Athletes must read, review, and sign forms verifying that they have gone over the information on concussions and agree to follow the procedures and guidelines that we have set for their student-athlete.
15. Addition: (Pg. 69) SB100 Compliance
Students who do not follow school bus rules and regulations may be disciplined in accordance with school policy. Students suspended from the bus who do not have alternate transportation to school, shall have the opportunity to make up work for equivalent academic credit. It is the responsibility of a student's parent or guardian to notify school officials that a pupil suspended from the school bus does not have alternate transportation to school.
16. Update: (Pg. 70-71) Language updates procedures and policies of the Media Center for the upcoming school year.
CCHS Library Media Center
The media center welcomes faculty and students for reading, study, and school related computer use. The media center is open 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and closes at 4:00 p.m. on Friday. Extended hours are not offered on half day or final exam days.
Computers are available during all open hours and students have access to EBSCO, a periodical database. Our library maintains an extensive collection of books and periodicals with a focus on supplementing the high school curriculum and promoting a passion for reading in all our students. Patrons may access materials from other libraries within the Illinois Heartland Library System via interlibrary loan. We also maintain an eBook and audio book collection hosted by Overdrive and have Kindles available for check out.
Check-out and Fine Policy:
Books are checked out for two weeks at a time and may be renewed.
●Due dates are printed on a check out receipt.
●Students may check out up to four books at a time.
●Check out privileges may be restricted if a pattern of negligent borrowing is verified.
●Fines are not charged for weekends, holidays, or days not in attendance.
Any student who keeps a book past the due date will be subjected to the following fine schedule:
●One-day overdue grace day
●Two or more days overdue .10 cents per day
●Overdue interlibrary loan books are subject to loaning library’s fine policy.
Students are required to pay all accumulated fines before purchasing homecoming or prom tickets.
Lost or Damaged Items:
Students are responsible for the cost of any lost or damaged library items. Students will be charged the replacement price and any fines which the student has accrued.
Media Center Rules:
●Patrons are expected to maintain a quiet atmosphere.
●Students must present a pass to visit the media center during academic time.
●Students are required to read, study, or work when seated in the media center.
●Food is not permitted and must be put away before entering the media center.
Students who cannot abide by the rules will be asked to leave. Repeated warnings will result in the loss of media center privileges.
Student-Athlete Handbook Revisions:
Routine/Minor Changes:
1. Update school enrollment; IHSA has it listed as 1,015
2. Add Marialice Jenkins as Assistant Athletic Director
3. Edited Coaches List; Jarrod Ritter, Boys/Girls Bowling Coach. Greg Storm Boys/Girls Track Coach, Lisa Bastien, Cheerleading Coach.
4.Cleaned up wording throughout the Athletic Handbook
Major Changes:
1. Addition: (Pg. 6) (J) Behavior: Student-Athletes must follow the rules/expectations set forth in the CCHS School Handbook. Habitual referrals or a serious breach of the student code of conduct will result in suspension from athletic participation. The amount of time will be based on the nature of the infraction. This will be determined by the School’s Administration, the Athletic Director, and the Coach.
2. Addition: (Pg. 7) E-Cigs into the tobacco violations policy.
3. First Offense Alcohol/Drugs: (Pg. 8)
New Language: 2. A second offense is one which occurs within two years of the first offense. 1.Regular disciplinary actions of the District (if applicable). 2.The student may be suspended from participation in athletics for up to 12 months. This will be determined by the athletic director, athletic advisory council and the student-athletes past behavior.
Old Language: 2. The student shall be suspended from participation in athletic activities for one calendar year. The suspension covers a period of twelve (12) months from the time disciplinary action is taken.
4. Addition: (Pg. 9) 2. b. Theft or vandalism of any school property, or property belonging to another student, staff member, or district employee.
5. Addition: (Pg. 9) 4. Athletes removed from teams, for any reason (this includes quitting), are not allowed to go out for any other sport until the sport they were removed from is completed. This includes open gym workouts, weight-lifting, etc.
6. Addition: (Pg. 13) Rick Moss/Booster Club Scholarship-This award presented by the Terrier All Sports Booster Club goes to a Senior male/female athlete who shows great leadership skills, has never give up work ethic, and always puts their TEAM first! Award.
Roll call: Flowers, Hudgins, Woodard, Booziotis and Cole voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Awarding of 2016-17 Milk and Bread Products Bids: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Hudgins, to acknowledge receipt of the bids received for milk and bread products; and, to award the bids to the following bidders for the 2016-17 school year as presented:
Milk Bid
Prairie Farms Dairy, 1630 Hwy. 145 South, Harrisburg, IL 62946
1% White 1/2 pt. .2352
Grade A Skim Chocolate 1/2 pt. .2637
Grade A Skim Strawberry 1/2 pt. .2570
Grade A Skim 1/2 pt. .2257
Bread Bid
Lewis Bakers, 500 N. Fulton Ave., Evansville, IN 44710
Whole Grain Sandwich Bread, 24 slices $1.70
Whole Grain Hot Dog Buns, 16 per pkg. $2.52
Whole Grain Hamburger Buns, 12 per pkg. $1.26
Roll call: Hudgins, Woodard, Booziotis, Cole and Flowers voted yes. Nya, none. Motion carried.
Semi-Annual Review of Executive Session Minutes: Motion by Hudgins, seconded by Flowers, to approve the semi-annual review of the unopened executive session minutes; to not make public any executive session minutes at this time because the need for confidentiality still exists; and, to destroy the verbatim record (audiotape) executive session minutes that are 18 months old or older. Roll call: Woodard, Booziotis, Cole, Flowers and Hudgins voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
2016-17 Field Trips: Motion by Booziotis, seconded by Flowers, to approve the 2016-17 field trips that are located out of state and/or cost over $500.00 as presented. Roll call: Booziotis, Cole, Flowers, Hudgins and Woodard voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Approval of 2016-17 Vendors: Motion by Hudgins, seconded by Flowers, to approve the 2016-17 vendors that generate revenue in excess of $1,000.00 as presented: Pepsi MidAmerica. Roll call: Cole, Flowers, Hudgins, Woodard and Booziotis voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
2015-16 FOIA Requests: The Board received the July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016 FOIA Requests list for their review.
Executive Session: Motion by Hudgins, seconded by Flowers, to go into executive session for the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees, and to consider the appointment of a member to fill a vacancy on the Board of Education. Roll call: Flowers, Hudgins, Woodard, Booziotis and Cole voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. The executive session convened at 7:34 p.m.
Executive Session Adjourned: The executive session adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Public Session Reconvenes: The public session of the meeting reconvened at 8:16 p.m. President Woodard stated no action was taken while in executive session.
Appointment of New Board of Education Member: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Booziotis, to appoint JulieVanWinkle as the new member to the CCHS District 165 Board of Education to complete the unexpired term of Vicky King, effective July 19, 2016, through the spring 2017 school board election. Roll call: Hudgins, Woodard, Booziotis, Cole and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Resignations/Retirements: Motion by Hudgins, seconded by Flowers, to accept the following resignations/retirements as presented:
a. Resignation of Dr. Shannon Clapsaddle (Reading Teacher) effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.
b. Retirement of Cheryl Rich (Secretary to the Principal) effective January 10, 2017.
Roll call: Woodard, Booziotis, Cole, Flowers and Hudgins voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
2016-17 Employment of Personnel: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Hudgins, to employ the following 2016-17 personnel as presented:
2016-17 Aide and Monitor Personnel:
E.O.C. Aide: Erriel Wolters -- $10.00/Hr.
Gateway Teacher Aide: Ian Glasmann -- $10.00/Hr.
In-School Suspension Aide: Brittany Russell# -- $10.00/Hr. #Employment contingent upon receipt of Illinois Educator License.
Perkins Grant Teacher Aide: Melanie Nelson -- $10.00/Hr. (2/6-time)
Special Education Teacher Aides: Scott Lambert -- $14.72 /Hr.; Paul Decker -- $12.30/Hr.; Michael Peterson -- $10.65/Hr.; Joshua Taylor -- $10.49/Hr. (1/6-time); Jamie Pfister -- $10.00/Hr. (1/6-time)
Title I Teacher Aides: Jo Carol Deniston (Math) -- $11.72/Hr.; Conor Kocher (Reading/English) -- $11.02/Hr.; Katherine Vieceli (Math) -- $10.49/Hr.; Leigh Taylor (Reading/English) -- $10.00/Hr.
Monitor Personnel ($85.00/Day): Loneesha Carter (Hall); Karmen Gibbs (Hall); Meriam Lahlou (French Classroom); Andrew Smith (ACR/Study Hall); Carlton Smith (Hall); DeAndre Smith (Hall); Brad Walker (Hall); Unree Westley (Hall)
2016-17 Extra-Duty/Extended-Time Personnel:
Asst. Band Director: Conor Kocher ($3,142.00)
Asst. Band Director: David Kinley ($1,047.20), Josh Lipe ($1,047.20), Alex Taylor ($1,047.20), Deirdre Stokes ($1,047.20), Harrison Mosely ($1,047.20)
Drill Team: Savon Kirksey (1/2), James Vilseck (1/2)
Extra-Curricular Events Director: Brandi Jones ($1,250.00), Scott Hankey ($1,000.00), Kim Wheeler ($500.00), Rebecca Cissell ($392.00)
Key Club: Ian Glasmann (1/3)
Sophomore Class: Lori Koester
Student Council: Brandi Jones (2/3), Mike Butler (1/6), Daron Absher (1/6)
French Club: Meriam Lahlou
Head Boys Track and Girls Head Track: Greg Storm ($7,335.00)
Assistant Boys Track and Assistant Girls Track: Chris Apple ($4,189.33), Malaikah Love ($2,094.50), Stephen Arvanis ($4,189.33)
Boys Cross Country and Girls Cross Country: Greg Storm ($6,878.00), Stephen Arvanis ($1,500.00)
One Quarter Overload Teaching Section: Kim Wheeler ($3,158.50)
2016-17 Rebound Grant Personnel:
--Employment is contingent on the availability of grant funds.
--Employment Period: August 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017. Hours will be reduced during the summer or until adequate student enrollment is achieved.
--Personnel as presented:
Katie Babcock, Family Educator Program Aide--35 Hrs./Week @ $16.32/Hr.
Lisa Britt, English Teacher Program Aide--35 Hrs./Week @ $18.49/Hr.
Stephanie Brown, Family Educator Program Aide--35 Hrs./Week @ $19.92/Hr.
Matt Duckworth, Guidance Counselor Program Aide--37.5 Hrs./Week @ $18.49/Hr.
Mark Hutchings, GED Teacher Program Aide--35 Hrs./Week @ $21.78/Hr.
Marla Martin, Reading/Health/Consumer Ed. Teacher Program Aide--35 Hrs./Week @ 21.78/Hr.
Eden Morrison, Math/Science Teacher Program Aide--35 Hrs./Week @16.32/Hr.
Mary Jo Peterson, Transition Counselor Program Aide--20 Hrs./Week @ $21.78/Hr.
Sandra Snowden, Rebound Coordinator Program Aide--40 Hrs./Week @ $28.58/Hr.
Roll call: Booziotis, Cole, Flowers, Hudgins and Woodard voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
2016-17 Volunteers: Motion by Hudgins, seconded by Booziotis, to approve the following 2016-17 volunteers as presented: Gary Holda – Cross Country/Track; Madalyn Hughes – Band; Rick Moss – Girls Golf; Jared Ragan – Wrestling. Roll call: Cole, Flowers, Hudgins, Woodard and Booziotis voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Back-to-School Luncheon: The Back-to-School district employee luncheon will be held on Thursday, August 11, 2016, at 12:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.
August Board of Education Meeting: The August Board of Education meeting will be Thursday, August 18, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.
Adjournment: Member Cole made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Member Hudgins seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.