MINUTES OF THE REGULAR RESCHEDULED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION CARBONDALE COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 165, CARBONDALE, ILLINOIS HELD SEPTEMBER 22, 2010 The regular rescheduled meeting of the Board of Education of School District 165 was held in the Carbondale Community High School Cafeteria, 1301 East Walnut Street, Carbondale, Illinois, on Wednesday, September 22, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. Upon roll call, the following members were present: Kathy Booziotis, Kenneth Hughes, Robert Brewer, William Sherwood, Mike Durr, Francis Tsung, Linda Flowers Also present were: Steven R. Sabens, Darryl Cox, Steve Kosco, Crystal Swan-Gravatt, Steve Murphy, CCHSEA Represented, Rick Moss, Don Hoffman CPA President Brewer declared a quorum present and the regular rescheduled meeting of September 22, 2010, was called to order. Public Hearing: 2010-11 Proposed Budget: President Brewer opened the Public Hearing to receive public comments on the proposed 2010-11 Budget.Steve Kosco briefly reviewed the proposed 2010-11 Budget. No questions or comments were received from the audience. Motion by Sherwood, seconded by Flowers to close the Public Hearing regarding the 2010-11 proposed Budget. Roll call: Booziotis, Brewer, Durr, Flowers, Hughes, Sherwood and Tsung voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. Minutes: The minutes of the regular meeting of August 19, 2010 were approved as distributed. CCHS FY10 Financial Profile: The Board received the CCHS FY10 Financial Profile for their review. English Department Newsletter: The Board received the English Department newsletter for their review. Payment of Bills: Motion by Hughes, seconded by Flowers, to pay the remaining bills for the month of August, 2010; and, those available for payment for the month of September, 2010. Roll call: Brewer, Durr, Flowers, Hughes, Sherwood, Tsung and Booziotis voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. Acceptance of 2009-10 Audit: Don Hoffman, the district auditor, was present to answer questions regarding the 2009-10 audit. Mr. Hoffman advised there were no findings and that it was a good audit. Motion by Durr, seconded by Tsung, to accept the 2009-10 audit as presented. Roll call: Durr, Flowers, Hughes, Sherwood, Tsung, Booziotis and Brewer voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. Approval of 2010-11 Budget: Motion by Durr, seconded by Hughes, to approve the proposed budget for the 2010-11 school year as presented.Roll call: Flowers, Hughes, Sherwood, Tsung, Booziotis, Brewer and Durr voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. Approval of Terrier Care Agreement: Motion by Hughes, seconded by Booziotis, to approve the Agreement between CCHS and Terrier Care as presented. Roll call: Sherwood, Tsung, Booziotis, Brewer and Flowers voted yes. Member Durr voted no. Member Hughes abstained. Motion carried. Approval of 2010-11 Textbook List: Motion by Durr, seconded by Sherwood, to approve the textbook list for the 2010-11 school year as presented.Roll call: Sherwood, Tsung, Booziotis, Brewer, Durr, Flowers and Hughes voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. 2010-11 Application for Recognition of Schools: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Tsung, to approve the 2010-11 Application for Recognition of Schools as presented. Roll call: Tsung, Booziotis, Brewer, Durr, Flowers, Hughes and Sherwood voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. Approval of 2010-11 Activity Fund Sponsors: Motion by Durr, seconded by Tsung, to approve the list of Activity Fund Sponsors for the 2010-11 school year as presented. Roll call: Booziotis, Brewer, Durr, Flowers, Hughes and Tsung voted yes. Member Sherwood abstained. Designated Representative for Board of Education Election Duties: Motion by Durr, seconded by Flowers, to appoint Lucia Kelso as the designated Board of Education Election representative to handle the filing and processing of petitions for the Board of Education election, and to name Michelle Lewis to act in lieu of Lucia Kelso in matters pertaining to the Board of Education election. Roll call: Brewer, Durr, Flowers, Hughes, Sherwood, Tsung and Booziotis voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. Voluntary Termination: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Tsung, to approve the voluntary termination of Crystal Smith (Gateway Teacher Aide), effective August 16, 2010, due to job abandonment. Roll call: Durr, Flowers, Hughes, Sherwood, Tsung, Booziotis and Brewer voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. Resignation: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Hughes, to accept the resignation of Robin Gross as a foreign language teacher, effective at the end of the first semester of the 2010-11 school year. Roll call: Flowers, Hughes, Sherwood, Tsung, Booziotis, Brewer and Durr voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. Employment of Personnel: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Sherwood, to employ the following personnel as presented: a. John Ulysse: Gateway Teacher Aide--Employment effective September 22, 2010, at the rate of $9.32/Hr. b. Extra-Duty/Extended-Time Personnel--Personnel as presented: Asst. Girls Basketball Coach: Lori Opp Asst. Girls Basketball Coach: Greg Storm Asst. Wrestling Coach: Jerry Richards ($1,329.33), Andrew Ortman ($1,329.33), Dan Koester ($1,329.33) Asst. Boys Basketball Coach: Ryan Thomas ($3,321.00) Asst. Boys Basketball Coach: Ty Moss ($3,321.00) Asst. Boys Basketball Coach: Joe Hamilton ($3,321.00), Mike Butler ($3,321.00) Head Baseball Coach: Dennis Bastien Roll call: Hughes, Sherwood, Tsung, Booziotis, Durr and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none. President Brewer abstained. Motion carried. Approval of Volunteer Coach: Motion by Durr, seconded by Sherwood, to approve Daniel Leftwich as a volunteer soccer coach as presented. Roll call: Sherwood, Tsung, Booziotis, Brewer, Durr, Flowers and Hughes voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. MINUTES APPROVED OCTOBER 21, 2010 |