MINUTES OF THE REGULAR RESCHEDULED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION CARBONDALE COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 165, CARBONDALE, ILLINOIS, HELD JULY 21, 2010 The regular rescheduled meeting of the Board of Education of School District 165 was held in the cafeteria of Carbondale Community High School, 1301 East Walnut Street, Carbondale, Illinois, on Wednesday, July 21, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. Upon roll call, the following members were present: Kathy Booziotis, Linda Flowers, Robert Brewer, Kenneth Hughes, Mike Durr and William Sherwood. The following member was absent: Francis Tsung Also present were: Steven R. Sabens, Crystal Swan-Gravatt, Steve Kosco, Virginia Appuhn and Stephen Murphy. President Brewer declared a quorum present and the regular rescheduled meeting of July 21, 2010 was called to order. Minutes: The minutes of the regular scheduled meeting of June 17, 2010, and the special meetings of June 21, 2010 and June 22, 2010 were approved as distributed. Executive Session Minutes: Motion by Sherwood, seconded by Durr, to approve the executive session minutes of June 17 (with the addition of Member Durr’s arrival time to the executive session at 6:01 p.m. and the corrected adjournment time of 7:15 p.m.) , 21 and 22, 2010. Roll call: Booziotis, Brewer, Durr, Flowers, Hughes and Sherwood voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. Payment of Bills: Motion by Sherwood, seconded by Hughes, to pay the remaining bills for the month of June, 2010; and, those available for payment for the month of July, 2010.Roll call: Brewer, Durr, Flowers, Hughes, Sherwood and Booziotis voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. 2010-11 Student-Athlete and Parent/Teacher/Student Handbooks: Motion by Durr, seconded by Sherwood, to approve the 2010-11 Student-Athlete Handbook and the 2010-11 Parent/Teacher/Student Handbook with the proposed changes as presented. Roll call: Durr, Flowers, Hughes, Shewood, Booziotis and Brewer voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. District-Wide Goals 2010-2010: Superintendent Sabens requested input from the Board of Education in the preparation of the proposed 2010-2011 district-wide goals. Summer School Update: Virginia Appuhn updated the Board of Education on the 2010 Summer School Program. Executive Session Minutes To Be Made Public: Motion by Durr, seconded by Booziotis, to not make public any executive session minutes at this time. Roll call: Flowers, Hughes, Sherwood, Booziotis, Brewer and Durr voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. 2010-2011 Field Trips: Motion by Hughes, seconded by Durr, to approve the listing of 2010-2011 field trips as presented subject to further review based on ISBE appropriation for transportation funding. Roll call: Hughes, Sherwood, Booziotis, Brewer, Durr and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. Employment of Personnel: Motion by Booziotis, seconded by Durr, to approve the indicated action regarding the following personnel as presented: b. Teacher Aide and Monitor Personnel--Personnel as presented: Rose Love: Gateway Teacher Aide $9.91/Hr. Crystal Smith: Gateway Teacher Aide $9.60/Hr. Ryan Lott: Gateway Teacher Aide $9.32/Hr. Scott Lambert: SSP Teacher Aide $12.45/Hr. Brandi Jones: SSP Teacher Aide $10.40/Hr. Paul Decker: SSP Teacher Aide $10.40/Hr. Carly Lee: SSP Teacher Aide $9.32/Hr. April Gibbs: EOC Aide $9.32/Hr. Larry Warner: EOC Aide $9.32/Hr. Conor Kocher: EOC Aide $9.32/Hr. Michelle Stevens: Perkins Grant Teacher Aide--17.5 Hours/Week @ $9.32/Hr. Jo Carol Deniston: Title I Math Aide $9.91/Hr. Jon Riesch: Title I Math Aide $9.91/Hr. Loretta Scott: Title I Parent Liaison $11.40/Hr. Casey Raymer: Title I Reading Aide $9.60/Hr. Patricia Ollie: Hall Monitor $79.00/Day Carlton Smith: Hall Monitor $79.00/Day James McFadden: Hall Monitor $79.00/Day Karmen Gibbs: Hall Monitor $79.00/Day Robert Lorenz: Hall Monitor $79.00/Day Andrew Smith: Monitor $79.00/Day c. Extra-Duty/Extended-Time Personnel--Personnel as presented: Department Chairpersons: English:Justin Dennis ($2,943.00) Kim Herron-Titus ($600.00) Coaching Positions: Head Football Coach: Dan Koester Assistant Football Coaches: James Heninger (full stipend), John White ($2,214.00), Ben Campos ($2,214.00), Mark Albertini ($2,214.00), Chris Apple ($3,321.00), Larry Warner ($3,321.00), Dennis Ragan ($3,321.00), Wendell Wheeler ($3,321.00), TBN: ($1,107.00), TBN: ($1,107.00) Cheerleading Coach: Lisa Dailey Head Boys Basketball Coach: Jim Miller Head Girls Basketball Coach: Marialice Jenkins Head Volleyball Coach: Fae Ragan Assistant Volleyball Coach: Dallas Terry Head Wrestling Coach: Dennis Ragan Head Softball Coach: Kim Wheeler Head Girls Track Coach: Greg Storm Head Girls & Boys Golf Coach: Stefanie Peck ($4,086.00) Assist. Girls & Boys Golf Coach: Vicky King (3,000.00) Boys Cross Country Coach: Greg Storm Girls Cross Country Coach: Gary Holda Boys Tennis Coach: Mike Butler Girls Tennis Coach: Mike Butler Head Boys Soccer Coach: Mike Cannell Assistant Boys Soccer Coach: Ortez Davis Head Girls Soccer Coach: Mike Cannell Assistant Girls Soccer Coach: Ortez Davis Boys & Girls Head Bowling Coach: Marty Robinson ($5,086.00) Boys & Girls Assistant Bowling Coach: Ryan Boone ($2,000.00) Weight Room Supervisors: Summer: Dan Koester ($1,771.00); Fall: Ty Moss ($1,771.00); Winter: Dan Koester ($1,771.00); Spring: Jim Miller ($1,771.00) Roll call: Sherwood, Booziotis, Brewer, Durr, Flowers and Hughes voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. MINUTES APPROVED: AUGUST 19, 2010 |