Link to Video of July 16, 2019 Board of Education Meeting:
The regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of School District 165 was held in the Cafeteria of Carbondale Community High School, 1301 East Walnut Street, Carbondale, Illinois, on Tuesday, July 16, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.
Upon roll call, the following members were present:
Linda Flowers Christopher Swims
Lana Galan Francis Tsung
Joe Hudgins Brian Woodard
The following member was absent: Julie VanWinkle
Also present were:
Stephen Murphy Dawn Taylor
Donna Fager Carlton Smith
Ryan Thomas
President Woodard declared a quorum present and the regular scheduled meeting of July 16, 2019, was called to order.
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Tsung, to approve the minutes of the regular scheduled meeting of June 20, 2019. Roll call: Flowers, Galan, Hudgins, Swims, Tsung and Woodard voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Old Business: None
Public Comments: Carlton Smith: Mr. Smith thanked Superintendent Murphy and Superintendent Booth of CES 95 for hosting the SIU Black Alumni Brunch at the Carbondale Middle School. In addition, Mr. Smith addressed the Board regarding his concern with the district removing and selling textbooks from the library. He said many of these books were irreplaceable and they never go out of date. Mr. Murphy said that the books being removed had not been checked-out from the library for ten or more years and that was why they were removing them to make space for new books and materials. Mr. Murphy said the administration would review the books that were removed prior to them being sold.
National Board Certification Presentation: CCHS Business Education Teacher, Christi McGee did a presentation for the Board regarding the National Board Certification. President Woodard thanked Ms. McGee for her presentation and said the program would be a wonderful asset to CCHS. Mr. Murphy asked what incentives the district could offer to promote the program. Ms. McGee said financial incentives and a couple of workdays a year would be very beneficial. Mr. Murphy suggested that during the next negotiations a stipend or salary schedule column increase be discussed.
Payment of Bills: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Swims, to pay the remaining bills for the month of June 2019; and, those available for payment for the month of July 2019. Roll call: Galan, Hudgins, Swims, Tsung, Woodard and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Murphy followed-up on Mr. Smiths’ comment earlier, advising the Board that he and CES 95 Superintendent Daniel Booth would be hosting a Brunch for the SIU Black Alumni Association at Carbondale Middle School.
Mr. Murphy advised the Board that the first football game this year against Murphysboro was scheduled to be there. He said that they are behind in their construction and that could cause the first football game to be held at SIU or possibly CCHS. He said that Murphysboro was discussing this with SIU. Member Hudgins asked when we would know. Mr. Murphy said hopefully the first week in August.
Mr. Murphy advised that he was still following up on the possible use of Shyrock Auditorium. He said he would contact the Chancellor. The Board suggested possibly collaborating with CES 95. Member Tsung said it would be more beneficial to our students to keep our auditorium on campus.
Facility Improvements Committee Update: Mr. Murphy reviewed the Facility Improvements Committee Update Memo that was included in the packet and requested feedback from the Board on potential facility improvements for the coming year.
He said planning for the short term (2019-20 school year) we are budgeting for $780,000.00 in revenue for Capital Projects over the current fiscal year. Currently the Board has approved roughly $314,000.00 in expenditures (for bleacher and roof repairs.)
He said that he would like to recommend in August that the Board approve the district architect to solicit bids to install artificial turf on the baseball field. He said the benefits to completing the project would include:
1) Turf on the softball field was very well received by the students, coaches, and parents. Booster parents and coaches have expressed a desire to install turf on the baseball field as well. Softball could practice and play on many days the baseball team could not this year.
2) The work can be completed during the school year with almost no disruption to the school.
3) It would give the appearance that the Board is treating baseball and softball equally.
He said the downsides to approving the project include:
1) It may give the appearance that the Board favors athletics.
2) The project would cost $300,000, which we could use to build up reserves in the capital projects fund.
He said there were other upgrades at the Superblock that needed to be considered in the future, such as the concession stand, bleachers, soccer locker rooms, and seating area. He said there are arguments on both sides of approving or declining the recommendation, but that the Board needed to consider the recommendation in August to prepare for Spring.
He said planning for the intermediate term (one to three years) the State of Illinois has budgeted for funding of capital projects in K-12 schools. A committee is being formed at the State to develop guidelines for grant funding. The goal is to have the guideline completed by March 1, 2020. It appears that “shop” areas, labs, and classroom additions/renovations are a priority.
He said that he would recommend that the district apply for Capital Funding from the State of Illinois for the following projects:
Science Lab Renovations $250,000.00
Science Wing Addition $1,600,000.00
Shop Addition $450,000.00
Cafeteria Expansion $600,000.00
C-Wing Addition (needs further development)
He said that he had a meeting scheduled later that week to discuss bonding options and that he would be attending a conference the next week where he hoped to find out additional information about the grant process. He advised that it was not out of the realm of possibility that the district could secure $1 million or more depending on the grant application parameters.
He advised that the district needed to determine if it would be preferable to have bond funding secured before the grant process or after. He said at this time, it appears to be beneficial to wait on bonding until the grant is determined.
He said that he would like to recommend in August or September a proposal for the district architect to prepare for the grant submission. He said this could an expense of $125,000.000-$50,000.00. He said that did not mean that the district was required to approve all the projects.
He said he would recommend the Science Lab Renovation regardless of the grant approval.
He said planning for the long term (three plus years) it has become apparent through discussions at the committee meetings that the gym and physical education areas are not up to par with other schools in the conference or the region. He said it could likely cost $5 million or more to expand the gym, depending on what facility improvements are desired.
He said recently at public Board meetings, some parents have indicated that the district should also pursue expanding the auditorium. He said that while this had not been expressed in the committee meetings, further study was needed in terms of what the scope of an expansion would entail, and if there are any possibilities of collaboration with other entities such as the feeder schools or SIU.
He said that he would recommend the district take this school year to study the auditorium expansion, have the athletic boosters and athletic department gather more information on a potential gym expansion, and wait and see how the state grant process pays out, before attempting to tackle a gym or auditorium expansion project.
Member Galan said she believed the best of both worlds would be to use the Capital funding for the academic projects and the grant funds for the other projects.
Member Hudgins asked if Springfield had a time frame yet. Mr. Murphy said no, hopefully March 2020.
Member Tsung said that he was very frustrated. He said the conversation of turfing the baseball field was the same conversation the Board had last year at this time. He said that it is not just the appearance that we are favoring athletics over academics, it is that we are favoring athletics or academics. He said the Board should seriously consider spending money on academics. He said more students go to college than become athletes. He asked how the district was going to fund the projects if we did not get the grant money. Mr. Murphy said the district would borrow the money and prioritize the academic projects. He said he would like to do the Science Lab Renovations next summer.
Member Flowers asked if the baseball field could wait until the district knows if it gets the grant. Mr. Murphy said that it could wait another year, but if the Board wanted to replace the field by the Spring season, bids would need to be solicited now.
President Woodard said the district did not have control of the legislature and that he too wished that the academic projects could be started; however, he said that to do it prudently the district should wait on the academic projects to see what funds are available through the grant process.
2019-20 Revisions to Student- Parent-Teacher Handbook and Student-Athlete Handbook: Mr. Thomas reviewed the proposed changes to the Student-Parent-Teacher Handbook for the Board. He said the following list reflects routine and major Student-Parent-Teacher Handbook changes for the 2019-20 school year. These changes have been discussed and reviewed with the faculty and Parent Advisory Committee. Changes in wording or new additions are highlighted. The Student-Parent-Faculty Handbooks are available electronically on TerrierNet and printed copies are available upon request.
Routine Changes:
1) Update school information and demographics
2) Calendar changes, phone numbers, etc.
3) Edit faculty list and all other areas as needed
4) Updated regular school lunch fees
5) Cleaned up wording throughout the handbook
Major Changes (Additions are Highlighted):
1) DAILY SCHOOL SCHEDULES (Pg. 8) Change old activity schedule to the new ARP and 1st hour schedule below:
Regular Schedule
SSR Schedule (Every Tuesday)
Early Bird
7:30- 8:20
Early Bird
7:30- 8:20
8:00- 8:20
8:00- 8:20
8:25- 9:25
8:25- 9:25
12:05- 1:00
B12:30- 1:00
1:05- 2:00
12:45- 1:15
2:05- 3:00
1:15- 2:05
2:10- 3:00
In-Service Schedule (Hours 1-6)
Activity Schedule
Early Bird
7:30- 8:20
Early Bird
7:30- 8:20
8:00- 8:20
8:00- 8:20
8:25- 8:59
8:25- 9:15
9:03- 9:32
12:25- 1:10
1:15- 2:00
2:10- 3:00
Exam Schedules
Day 1
Day 2
Early Bird
7:10- 8:20
8:25- 9:45
Bus Run
Bus Run
Sack Lunch
Academic Review
School Improvement
1:00- 2:15
Independent Study courses are available on a departmental basis if a student has completed the highest level of coursework in that department. Honors credit is not available. All independent study courses must be pre-approved by the cooperating teacher, department chair, counseling department chair, and/or curriculum director.
●Skirts and dresses that reach the longest fingertip in length on all sides.
●Shorts, ripped jeans, and athletic attire, as long as underwear and buttocks are not exposed.
4) Student Dental Examinations (Pg. 64) ADD:
All students entering the ninth (9th) grade are to submit a Proof of School Dental Examination Form as required by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Failure to submit a completed dental examination form by May 15, 2020, may result in the student’s report be held, unless evidence is submitted that a dental exam will be completed within 60 days of that date. The Illinois Department of Public Health will establish a waiver for children who show an undue burden due to lack of access to a dentist.
Member Hudgins said that he thought the SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) Schedule was a waste of time because he said he heard from several students and faculty that no one participated in reading during that time, and instead they did homework or other activities. He said the district should have a normal regular schedule. Member Flowers asked if the faculty was in favor of the schedule.
Mr. Thomas said that the department chairs and the Parent Advisory Committee were all in favor of the SSR Schedule. Mr. Murphy advised that class meetings and activities such as that also occur on the SSR Schedule and that many of the faculty liked that flexibility. Member Hudgins asked that the administration seriously review the SSR Scheduling before recommending it again next year. Mr. Murphy said they would survey the faculty this year and report back on this issue later.
Member Flowers questioned the dress code change regarding the must “reach the longest fingertip in length on all sides”. She said everyone comes in all shapes and sizes. Some people have longer/shorter arms than others. Mr. Thomas said the dress code was changed because students had very hard time finding clothing the previous length. He said the dress code violations were very low this past school year.
Mr. Murphy said other items to be addressed in future handbook updates would be safety checks, math requirements and changing class rankings.
Prior to taking a vote on the motion to approve the revisions, Member Hudgins asked that administration review the current student cell phone policy. He said he felt the students were too engaged on their phones during class time.
Motion by Flowers, seconded by Galan, to approve the 2019-20 revisions to the CCHS Student-Parent-Teacher Handbook (There were no revisions other than name updates to the CCHS Student-Athlete Handbook.) as presented. Roll call: Hudgins, Swims, Tsung, Woodard Flowers and Galan voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Bids/Quotes: None
2019-20 Approval of Vendors: Motion by Swims, seconded by Galan, to approve the 2019-20 vendors that generate revenue more than $1,000.00 as presented: Pepsi MidAmerica. Roll call: Swims, Tsung, Woodard, Flowers, Galan and Hudgins voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
2019-20 Field Trips: Motion by Swims, seconded by Flowers, to approve the 2019-20 field trips that are located out of state and/or cost over $500.00 as presented. Roll call: Tsung, Woodard, Flowers, Galan, Hudgins and Swims voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Semi-Annual Review of Executive Session Minutes: Motion by Swims, seconded by Flowers, to approve the semi-annual review of the unopened executive session minutes; to make public the following executive session minutes: April 25, 2019; and, to destroy the verbatim record (audiotape) executive session minutes that are 18 months old or older: None. Roll call: Woodard, Flowers, Galan, Hudgins, Swims and Tsung voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
2018-19 FOIA Requests: The Board received the July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019 FOIA Requests list for their review. Member Flowers requested more detailed information on the FOIA listing in the future.
Annual Review of County Facilities Sales Tax Resolution: The Board received an update in their packet on the County Facilities Sales Tax for their review.
IASB PRESS Issue 101 Board Policy Manual Updates—First Reading: The Board received the IASB PRESS Issue 101 Board Policy Manual Updates for first reading. Final adoption of the IASB PRESS Issue 101 Board Policy Updates will occur at the August 15, 2019 Board of Education Meeting.
Executive Session: Motion by Swims, seconded by Hudgins, to go into executive session to discuss information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)). Roll call: Flowers, Galan, Hudgins, Swims, Tsung and Woodard voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. The executive session convened at 8:45 p.m. The executive session adjourned, and the public portion reconvened at 9:15 p.m. President Woodard stated no action was taken while in executive session.
Resignations/Retirements: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Swims, to accept the following resignations/retirements as presented:
a. Resignation of Jihad Wright as an Assistant Football Coach for the 2019-20 school year as presented.
Roll call: Galan, Hudgins, Swims, Tsung, Woodard and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
2019-20 Employment of Personnel: Motion by Swims, seconded by Hudgins, to employ the following 2019-20 personnel as presented:
a. Extra-Duty/Extended-Time Personnel:
Freshman Class Advisor: Jenna Jamieson $178.50, Brenda Krutsinger $178.50
Senior Class Advisor: Jennifer Kennedy $378.00, Brandi Jones $189.00
Key Club Advisor: Katie Bachman $2,266.67, Sheilia Segelken $1,133.33
Career Bureau Club Sponsor: Jenna Jamieson $357.00
Improv (Terriers Live!) Club Sponsor: Joshua Taylor $357.00
Interact Club Sponsor: Melisa Lopez $357.00
Japanese Club Sponsor: Katherine Vieceli $357.00
Letters for Learning Club Sponsor: CJ Buss $357.00
Show Choir Club Sponsor: Rebecca Browning $357.00
Senior Class Advisor: Jennifer Kennedy $378.00, Brandi Jones $189.00
Assistant Football Coach: Obadiah Mims $4,000.00
Assistant Football Coach: Elijah Kelly $500.00
Assistant Volleyball Coach: Jared Ragan $5,102.00
Assistant Volleyball Coach: Jordan Becque $5,102.00
Fall Weight Room Supervisor: Jim Miller $2,266.50
Spring Weight Room Supervisor: Jim Miller $2,266.50
b. Hall Monitor Personnel:
1. Clare Nangsin Wirngo -- Rate of Pay: $12.50/Hr.
2. Timothy “Nick” Pradel*--Rate of Pay: $12.50/Hr.*Employment contingent upon receipt of Illinois Professional Educator License.
c. Curriculum Director: Ethan Graham as the Curriculum Director for the 2019-20 school year effective July 17, 2019, with a salary of $85,000.00.
Roll call: Hudgins, Swims, Tsung, Woodard, Flowers and Galan voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
2019-20 Volunteers: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Galan, to approve the following 2019-20 volunteers as presented: Max Kuenneke, Assistant Boys/Girls Tennis Coach Volunteer. Roll call: Swims, Tsung, Woodard, Flowers, Galan and Hudgins voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Public Relations/Communications: The Board received an update and a copy of the invoice for the 2018-19 Public Relations/Communications Intergovernmental Agreement with CES 95. Mr. Murphy advised that absent any direction or concerns raised by the Board, the administration would be reviewing handling this position in the future internally, possibly as a 1/6 stipend position, rather than entering into another intergovernmental agreement for the 2019-20 school year. Mr. Murphy requested the Board’s input and advised that a recommendation would come at a later date.
No Board members expressed concern about Mr. Murphy’s update.
Back-to-School Luncheon: The Back-to-School district employee luncheon will be held on Monday, August 12, 2019, at 12:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.
August Board of Education Meeting: The August Board of Education meeting will be Thursday, August 15, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Special Meeting of July 30, 2019
The special meeting of the Board of Education of School District 165 was held in the Cafeteria of Carbondale Community High School, 1301 East Walnut Street, Carbondale, Illinois, on Tuesday, July 30, 2019, at 6:00 p.m.
Upon roll call, the following members were present:
Joe Hudgins Julie VanWinkle
Christopher Swims Brian Woodard
Francis Tsung
The following members were absent:
Linda Flowers Lana Galan
Also, present: Stephen Murphy
President Woodard declared a quorum present and the special meeting of July 30, 2019, was called to order.
Public Comments: None
Executive Session: Motion by Swims, seconded by Tsung, to go into executive session to discuss information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)). Roll call: Hudgins, Swims, Tsung, VanWinkle and Woodard voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. The executive session convened at 6:02 p.m. The executive session adjourned, and the public portion reconvened at 6:36 p.m. President Woodard stated no action was taken while in executive session.
Resignations: Motion by Swims, seconded by VanWinkle, to accept the following resignations as presented:
a. Resignation of Bryan Dunn (English teacher) effective July 22, 2019.
b. Resignation of Lisa Bastien (Principal’s Secretary) effective August 23, 2019.
Roll call: Swims, Tsung, VanWinkle, Woodard and Hudgins voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
2019-20 Employment of Personnel: Motion by Swims, seconded by Hudgins, to employ the following 2019-20 personnel as presented:
a. Dean of Students: Alejandro Ruiz as the Dean of Students for the 2019-20 school year with a salary of $69,500.00.
b. English Teacher (Full-time): Sarah Dubach as a full-time English Teacher for the 2019-20 school year. Ms. Dubach’s education and experience will place her at Line .5, Column MA/MS on the teacher salary schedule.
c. Physical Education Teacher (Temporary Full-time As Needed): Hillary Murphy as a temporary full-time as needed Physical Education Teacher for the 2019-20 school year. Ms. Murphy’s education and experience will place her at Line 0, Column BA/BS on the teacher salary schedule, at a prorated daily rate.
d. Extra-Duty/Extended-Time Personnel:
English Department Chair: Crystal Harsy $4,533.00
Assistant Girls Basketball Coach: Skyler Miller $5,666.00
e. Teacher Aide Personnel: Jessica Sergeev as a teacher aide at the rate of $12.50 per hour for the 2019-20 school year pending receipt of her Illinois Professional Educator License.
Roll call: Tsung, VanWinkle, Woodard, Hudgins and Swims voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
2019-20 Volunteers: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Swims, to approve the following 2019-20 volunteers as presented: Patience Brown – Assistant Volleyball Coach Volunteer. Roll call: VanWinkle, Woodard, Hudgins, Swims and Tsung voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.
Back-to-School Luncheon: The Back-to-School district employee luncheon will be held on Monday, August 12, 2019, at 12:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.
August Board of Education Meeting: The August Board of Education meeting will be Thursday, August 15, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.