August 2008

Board Minutes - August


The regular meeting of the Board of Education of School District 165 was held in the cafeteria of Carbondale Community High School, 1301 East Walnut Street, Carbondale, Illinois, on Thursday, August 21, 2008, at 7:00 p.m.

Upon roll call, the following members were present: Barbara Bennett, Linda Flowers, Linda Brandon, Kenneth Hughes, Robert Brewer and Barbara Levine. The following member was absent: Mike Durr. Also present were: Steven R. Sabens, David Craig, Steve Kosco, Crystal Swan-Gravatt, Vicky King and Southern Illinoisan Represented. President Levine declared a quorum present and the regular meeting of August 21, 2008, was called to order.

Introduction of New Faculty: Ms. King introduced the new faculty members to the Board of Education.

Minutes: The minutes of the regular meeting of July 17, 2008 were approved as distributed.

Payment of Bills: Motion by Brewer, seconded by Brandon, to pay the remaining bills for the month of July, 2008; and, those available for payment for the month of August, 2008. Roll call: Bennett, Brandon, Brewer, Flowers, Hughes and Levine voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Presentation of the 2008-09 Tentative Budget for Public Display: Motion by Brewer, seconded by Flowers, to receive the tentative budget for the 2008-09 school year, place it on display for the public at the district office, the high school office, and the Carbondale Public Library, and to hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 24, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the high school cafeteria.  Roll call: Bennett, Brandon, Brewer, Flowers, Hughes and Levine voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Approval of August 2008 Rebound Graduates: Motion by Brandon, seconded by Hughes, to approve the following Rebound students for August 21, 2008 graduation: Brittany Beal, Nicole Rose, Dylan James Damian, Kelvin Huff-Rush, Amber Johnson, Kaitlyn Michelle Schroeder, Max McKimmy, Marquael Travis, Sean Miller, Mitchel Vestal, Crystal Mueller, Michael Westerhouse, Chris Raterman, Kevin Griffin and Sarah Rose. Roll call: Bennett, Brandon, Brewer, Flowers, Hughes and Levine voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

District Policy Updates: Motion by Bennett, seconded by Brewer, to approve the updates/revisions to Board of Education Policies 2:105, 4:20, 4:50, 4:55, 4:80, 4:90, 4:170 and 6:20 as presented. Roll call: Bennett, Brandon, Brewer, Flowers, Hughes and Levine voted yes. Nay, none.  Motion carried.

Amendment Number 2-Memorandum of Understanding/Chris Berry: Motion by Hughes, seconded by Brandon, to approve Amendment 2-Memorandum of Understanding regarding Chris Berry, as presented. Roll call: Bennett, Brandon, Brewer, Hughes and Levine voted yes. Member Flowers voted no.  Motion carried.

Employments: Motion by Brandon, seconded by Flowers, to retroactively employ the following driver education behind-the-wheel faculty, Rebound grant personnel, teacher aide/hall monitor and extra-duty/extended-time personnel for the 2008-09 school year: a. Driver Education Behind-the-Wheel Faculty--Personnel: Larry Jackson, Robert Taylor, Michael Butler and Mark Albertini b. Rebound Grant Personnel--The employment of the following Rebound grant personnel is contingent upon grant funding and student enrollment; with an employment period of August 1, 2008 through July 30, 2009, with reduced hours during the summer: Bob Chamberlin, Social Studies Teacher--36 Hours/Week @ $27.65/Hour; Rob Gruny, English/Computers Teacher—36 Hours/Week @ $23.23/Hour; Judy Randall, GED/ESL/Workforce Coordinator--36 Hours/Week @ $22.13/Hour; Sandra Snowden, Family Services Coordinator--36 Hours/Week @ $18.82/Hour; Marla Martin, Health/Consumer/Reading Teacher--36 Hours/Week @ $18.28/Hour; Mark Hutchings, GED Teacher at Gateway--35 Hours/Week @ $18.28/Hour; Mary Jo Peterson, ESL Teacher--15 Hours/Week @ $18.28/Hour; Candy Calcaterra, Guidance Counselor--37.5 Hours/Week @ $18.54/Hour; Kenitra Woods, GED Teacher--36 Hours/Week @ $16.73/Hour; Stephanie Franklin, Family Services Educator --36 Hours/Week @ $16.73/Hour; Corliss Payne, ESL Teacher at Unity Point School--12 Hours/Week @ $16.24/Hour; Robin Dean, Math/Science Teacher--36 Hours/Week @ $15.77/Hour; Sarah Heyer, ESL Teacher at Unity Point School--12 Hours/Week @ 15.77/Hour; and, Monique Baltz, Social Worker--36 Hours/Week @ 15.35/Hour. c. Teacher Aide/Hall Monitor Personnel--Personnel: Tina Lillard: Gateway Teacher Aide @ $9.07/Hour and Greg Storm: Hall Monitor @ $77.00/Day. d. Extra-duty/Extended-time Personnel--Personnel as presented: Theatre—Winter Play: Erik Berrey (1/2 stipend) and Gloria Jones (1/2 stipend); and Assistant Volleyball: Melinda Pickering ($1,000.00). Roll call: Bennett, Brandon, Brewer, Flowers, Hughes and Levine voted yes. Nay, none.  Motion carried.

Gateway Legislation: Superintendent Sabens gave the Board a written update on the recent Gateway legislation. He advised the Board that the Governor had signed the legislation on August 15, 2008, making it PA 95-0844.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.